Network Marketing
Our Mission
We will create a profitable environment where individuals can, with dignity, be what they want to be; where integrity, empathy and fun are our guides. We will create and cherish a passion for, and belief in, our company, our products and our industry. We will seek knowledge and balance, and above all, we will be courageous as we lead our sponsored Distributors.
Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)
Network Marketing, also known as Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is a legitimate business model that uses direct selling and relationship referrals as a method of selling a company’s products or services. In a typical networking model,  individual associates (often referred to as distributors) essentially contract or act like a franchisee to the parent company and are paid a commission based on the volume of product or services that are sold as a result of their own organization efforts. To fully appreciate this home-based business opportunity, we encourage you to look at it from the perspective of both the company as well as that of the business operator.
 Multi-Level Marketing
Why Companies Choose to use the Network Marketing Model?
 Network Marketing Model
Just like any other company that sells goods or services the ultimate goal of
a network marketing company is to make sales and increase its customer base. In a traditional manufacturing company who sell their products to the general public there is normally a large amount of costs associated with advertising and distributing their product ( the middleman is responsible for a lot of the cost), before it is then sold at a retail outlet who again add a profit margin. 

Instead of using the traditional method of manufacturing and delivering their
products, MLM companies choose to bypass the middleman, selling direct to the customer. They use referrals and a word-of-mouth approach to develop their customer base as opposed to a large advertising budget and as such the money that would normally go to the middleman and advertising can now be used to reward business operators (distributors) a commission for helping the company to make a sale.

There are a number of benefits to operating a networking business, many in
which are discussed in detail throughout this webpage. Arguably the biggest
attraction to joining the industry is that in return for a low risk investment
you have the potential to earn a very rewarding residual stream of income whilst enjoying the time freedom to significantly improve your quality of life.

network marketing

The concept behind network marketing
The concept behind network marketing is a distribution model that allows a company to sell their products directly to the consumer. Choosing to use a word of mouth approach (networking) instead of advertising through traditional streams (eg media). Therefore instead of paying the media for advertising, network marketing companies are structured to reward distributors through commission in return for selling their products and finding new customers.Therefore the main focus of a network marketing company is product distribution. In fact, in a legitimate network marketing company, distributors are not  Although distributors can choose to sell the company’s products to earn their commissions, not everybody wants to be a sales person and therefore choose to recruit more distributors into their organization as a means to build their referral base. Not only does this create a group of loyal customers, it also allows you to leverage the efforts of others to create a residual stream of income.
Make Money
Important tip in network marketing!
The most important tip in network marketing is that you must always think of it as a job. If you do not work very hard and just think you will be able to work a few hours online a week you will never be a winner in the world of network marketing. Like any other business, network marketing requires you to work extra-hard to really bring in the big bucks. Set a schedule, and dedicate time to making a serious effort each day. If you can do this, you will eventually see success from your network marketing efforts.

To join a network marketing company you have to purchase an initial start up kit. This kit usually includes training, some sales and management tools to assist you to build your business, and a certain amount of product. Because there is a certain amount of product included in the start up kit, the sponsoring distributor is now entitled to a commission. For example, when becoming associated with a network marketing company there are normally a number of different business options available, what’s the main difference between the cheap business options and the more expensive ones? The amount of product you receive in the package, that is the more you spend up front, the more product you receive as part of your initial package and the greater the commission the sponsoring distributor is now entitled to.

The opposite is also true, most network marketing companies now offer a very low start up option where you do not have to purchase any product to get started, just the training and business tools. In this scenario the sponsoring distributor does not receive any commission in return for you joining their organization, they do however now have a new distributor (and customer) who they introduced to the business and therefore any future product that is bought or sold by this new recruit is eligible for commission.

(FLP) Forever Living Products
Now you understand the differences between a pyramid scheme and network marketing.

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